论文阅读 | Learning from Shader Program Traces   2023-01-03

论文标题:Learning from Shader Program Traces

论文来源:Eurographics 2022

论文作者:Yuting Yang, Connelly Barnes, Adam Finkelstein



  • Program trace
    • In software engineering, a trace refers to the record of all states that a program visits during its execution, including all instructions and data.
    • 本文提到的 Shader program trace,只包括中间结果 (data),而不包括程序序列 (instruction)。

Since the fragment shader program operates independently per pixel, we can consider the full program trace as a vector of values computed at each pixel – a generalization from simple RGB.


  • 输入是用(嵌入到 Python 的) DSL 写的 fragment procedural shader program,翻译成 Tensorflow 程序
    • 可以同时输出渲染好的图片和生成的 program trace
    • 分支展开、循环 unroll
    • These policies permit us to express the trace of any shader as a fixed-length vector of the computed scalar values, regardless of the pixel location


  • 编译器优化
    • 忽略常量值、计算图上重复的节点,因为其在不同 pixel 位置的运行结果应该高度统一
  • 不生成内建函数的 trace
  • 检测并筛除迭代改进模式的循环中的中间 trace 结果
    • 比如,raymarching 找 closest intersection 的迭代
  • 均匀的特征下采样
    • The most straightforward strategy is to subsample the vector by some factor n, retaining only every nth trace feature as ordered in a depth first traversal of the compute graph
  • 其它采样方案 (都不太好用)
    • clustering
    • loop subsampling
    • first or last
    • mean and variance

We first apply compiler optimizations, then subsample the features with a subsampling rate that makes the trace length be most similar to a fixed target length.

For all experiments, we target a length of 200, except where specifically noted such as in the simulation example.

After compiling and executing the shader, we have for every pixel: a vector of dimension N: the number of recorded intermediate values in the trace


主要是为了解决 shader trace 里面的异常值,防止干扰训练和推理。用的是 Scaling + clamping。

  • Check if the distribution merits clamping
    • If N <= 10, no need to clamp
    • Else, do clamp
      • Discard NaN, Inf, -Inf
      • let $P_0$ = Lowest p’th percentile, $P_1$ = highest p’th percentile, superparam $ \gamma $
      • Clamp to $ [P_0 − \gamma(P_1− P_0), P_1 + \gamma(P_1 − P_0)] $
    • Do rescale
      • for each intermediate feature, rescale the clamped values to the fixed range $ [-1,1] $
      • Record the bias and scale used (in rescaling)

The scale and bias is recorded and used in both training and testing, but the values will be clamped to range
[-2, 2] to allow data extrapolation.




  • 1x1 Conv + Feature Reduction (N = 200 -> K = 48)
  • 1x1 Conv * 3
  • Dilated Convolution (1, 2, 4, 8, 1)
  • 1x1 Conv * 3
  • 1x1 Conv + Feature Reduction (K = 48 -> 3, that is, RGB color output)


$ L_b = L_c + \alpha L_p $

下面还有个 Appendix D,里面有实验的 GAN 的 loss



和一个 Baseline 方法 RGBx 对比,这个 Baseline 用的手挑特征 normal, depth, diffuse, specular color (where applicable) 来作为输入进行学习。

Denoising fragment shaders

目标是用 1spp 图像来学习 1000spp 的 reference image。

Reconstructing simplified shaders

这个任务是,从简化后的 Shader 的运行结果中,重建原来 Shader 的运行结果。

简化 Shader 采用的是 Loop perforation 和 Genetic Programming Simplification。

用两个 Conditional GAN,分别称为 Spatial GAN 和 Temporal GAN,一个用来从 1spp 的图 $ c_x $ 生成 Ground Truth (原来的 Shader 运行结果) $ c_y $,另一个用来从前面三帧的 1spp 输出 + 前面两帧的 Spatial GAN 的生成器的输出来生成下一帧,也就是用序列 $ \tilde {c_x} $ 生成序列 $ \tilde {c_y} $。

GAN related:

Postprocessing filters

学习一些后处理效果的 Shader,如 edge-aware sharpening filter 和 defocus blur 效果。

Learning to approximate simulation

学习一些进行模拟的 Shader 将来的运行结果。

Trace 有效性分析


  1. 哪些 Input feature 比较重要?
    • 这里作者采用求 Loss 关于 input trace feature 的一阶导数来评价重要性
  2. 挑一个 Subset 来做训练?
    • 给定 m 个 feature 的训练 budget,如果要评价任意的 subset,即从 N 个里面抽 m 个来做训练的话,开销太大
      • Oracle: 按 1 中所述重要性评分的前 m 个 input trace feature
      • Opponent: 按 1 中所述重要性评分的后 m 个 input trace feature
      • Uniform: 随便挑 m 个
    • 发现 Oracle > Opponent > Uniform
  3. 多个 Shader 一起学习
    • 多个 Shader 一起学习降噪任务,感觉就像训练一个真·denoiser


  1. 简介
  2. 方法
    1. 输入特征化简
    2. 特征白化
    3. 网络
      1. 结构
      2. 损失函数
      3. 训练策略
  3. 结果展示
    1. Denoising fragment shaders
    2. Reconstructing simplified shaders
    3. Postprocessing filters
    4. Learning to approximate simulation
  4. Trace 有效性分析